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All-Reviews.com: Pleasantville
Collection of reviews of the movie.
Brunching Shuttlecocks: Pleasantville
Review by the Self-Made Critic.
Exile in Pleasantville
By Charles Taylor. [Salon] "Director Gary Ross fetishizes the '50s in this high-concept parable about the dangers of conformity."
Hollywood Jesus - Pleasantville
Visual film review explaining Biblical themes in the movie. Reviewer details the parallel with the "Garden of Eden" story in Genesis.
Moralizing colors Pleasantville
By Mike Clark. [USA Today] "An initially breezy premise takes on the de-energizing aura of turnpike traffic the Sunday after Thanksgiving."
By Roger Ebert. [Chicago Sun-Times] "One of the year's best and most original films."
Pleasantville More Than Pleasant -- It's Bril
By Paul Clinton. [CNN] "This is one you have to see."
Pleasantville, Where Nothing is Just Black and Whi
By Bruce Kirkland. [Toronto Sun] "Both savage and silly, Pleasantville is an absolute blast."
Wit and Wizardry
By Louis B. Hobson. [Calgary Sun] "Pleasantville is the year's most pleasant surprise."