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Christian Science Monitor - Naqoyqatsi
David Sterritt reviews Godfrey Reggio's documentary and motion-picture poetry that explores life.
IMDb: Naqoyqatsi (2002)
Crew, reviews, plot summary, comments, discussions, links, and related movie data.
Official site for the film with photographs, film information, production notes, creators, trailer, soundtrack details, forum, and links.
OffOffOff - Naqoyqatsi
David N. Butterworth reviews the movie by Godfrey Reggio and Philip Glass.
Philadelphia Inquirer - Naqoyqatsi
Steven Rea describes the movie as bang-bang wordless images of war and warriors.
Washington Post - Naqoyqatsi
Michael O'Sullivan reviews the mind-blowing, in-body experience by Godfrey Reggio.
Wired News - Naqoyqatsi Nails Evil Tech
Jason Silverman discusses the movie Naqoyqatsi, an apocalyptic vision where humans have forsaken nature for binary code, robotics and acceleration.