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Combustible Celluloid: Queen Christina (1933)
Review. Rated "8½ Fellinis" (highest rating). Includes a still from the famous final sequence.
Dave Kehr: Queen Christina
Capsule review, from the Chicago Reader.
DVDLaser.com: Queen Christina
Douglass Pratt reviews the laserdisc release.
Greatest Films: Queen Christina (1933)
Brief review, lengthy synopsis of one of Greta Garbo's most memorable films, by Tim Dirks.
Greta Garbo Filmography: Queen Christina
Phillip Oliver reviews his personal favorite of Garbo's films.
Hot Tickets: Queen Christina
Alexander Walker's review revisits an extraordinary film.
IMDb: Queen Christina (1933)
Cast and crew, plot synopsis, and user ratings.
Jonathan Rosenbaum: Queen Christina
Capsule review of one of Greta Garbo's finest performances, in the Chicago Reader.
Michael W. Trosset: Queen Christina
Program notes on a film that suffers from being a Garbo vehicle, yet contains some of her most memorable moments.
Movie Mirrors: Queen Christina (1933)
Synopsis also alludes to two historical inaccuracies. Rated 8/9 for both entertainment and educational value.
PopcornQ: Queen Christina
Jenni Olson reviews this film which cannot quite hide its lesbian sensibilities.
Queen Christina of Sweden: The Movie
Discussion of the film's historical inaccuracies. Also contains images and links.
TV Guide Online: Queen Christina
Review and credits.