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Al Pacino's Loft: Sea of Love
Fan page includes background information and quoted articles about the actor and the film.
AllWatchers.com: Sea of Love
Movie review site has detailed description of plots, settings, characters, and themes.
Chicago Sun-Times: Sea of Love review
Roger Ebert's take on the Al Pacino / Ellen Barkin thriller.
Deseret News: Sea of Love review
Appraisal of the movie.
IMDB: Sea of Love (1989)
Cast, crew, reviews, plot summary, comments, discussion, taglines, trailers, posters, photographs and fan sites.
MSN Entertainment - Movies: Sea of Love
Microsoft Network's page about the 1989 Al Pacino / Ellen Barkin / John Goodman thriller.
RollingStone.com: Movie Reviews: Sea of Love, 7 St
Magazine gives positive write-up for movie and Pacino's performance.
Rottentomatoes.com: Sea of Love (1989)
Reviews from the nation's top critics and audiences. Also includes movie info, trailer, poster, photographs, news, articles and forum.
The SF, Horror and Fantasy Film Review: Sea of Lov
Richard Scheib's analysis of the Al Pacino suspense thriller.
Washington Post: Sea of Love (R)
Hal Hinson's positive assessment of the film.