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All-Reviews.com - Snatch
Collection of reviews, overall rating 2 1/2 stars.
Allwatchers Review - Snatch
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the Brad Pitt film, and links to similar movies.
Apollo Movie Guide - Snatch
Review, links, cast information.
Brad Pitt
Filming for Snatch at Caesars
Britmovie - Snatch
Cast, crew and review.
HARO Online - Snatch
Haro reviews the movie. Rates it "ok"
IMDb - Snatch (2000)
Cast/credits plus additional information about the film
Metacritic.com - Snatch
A cross-section of reviews from the country's top critics crystallized in a metascore.
Movies for Guys - Snatch
3/5 stars with categories like gun play, blood and gore, and humor.
PopMatters - Snatch
Review of the film and US showtimes.
RollingStone.com - Snatch
Reviews, synopsis, photos, and related links.
Rotten Tomatoes - Snatch
Reviews and reactions from top critics. News, photos, and synopsis.
Fan page with movie clips, songs from the soundtracks, lyrics, animated gifs, and wavs.
MusicOMH.com reviews the Guy Ritchie feature starring Brad Pitt and Vinnie Jones.
TheWorldJournal.com: Snatch
Review by Giancarlo De Lisi.
Videoflicks.com - Snatch
Reviewed by Rob Paul.