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Cast and Crew
Contactmusic.com: Star Trek Nemesis
All-Reviews.com, Flipside Movie Emporium, HARO Online, Movies for Guys, Nitrate Online
Coming Attractions
Contains news and information about the movie.
Filmtracks: Star Trek: Nemesis
Includes soundtrack review, audio, and ratings.
Plot and cast information.
Killer Movies
Features news, rumours, and facts on the film including release date and synopsis.
Comments for a fan review of the movie.
Planet Riker
Contains news and discussion board.
Rotten Tomatoes
Includes photos, the trailer, news articles, and a public forum.
Star Trek Nemesis
Shooting script of the movie.
Star Trek X Information
Contains information about the movie.
Star Trek: Nemesis
Official site. Contains movie information and trailer.
Star Trek: Nemesis
Official Star Trek web site. Contains news and story outline.
Starbase 104
Contains news, rumors, and cast list. Also has sections devoted to the other films in the genre.
Upcoming Movies
Includes cast and plot information, release dates, and preview commentary.