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...and then there was Swingers
Dedicated to the movie Swingers
Allwatchers Review - Swingers
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the Heather Graham film, and links to similar movies.
Apollo Movie Guide - Swingers
Review, links, cast information.
Brunching Shuttlecocks: Swingers
Review by the Self-Made Critic.
IMDB: Swingers (1996)
Information from the Internet Movie Database for the 1996 film Swingers
Metacritic.com - Swingers
A cross-section of reviews from the country's top critics, crystallized in a metascore.
The Swingers Rules
Rules to follow from the movie Swingers
TV Guide Online: Swingers
Includes a brief review as well as cast and crew information.