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All-Reviews: Tortilla Soup
Various reviews.
HARO Online: Tortilla Soup
Mongoose's review: "The only standouts are the food ... and the performances of Hector Elizondo, and to a lesser degree, Paul Lopez."
Hollywood.com: Tortilla Soup
Synopsis, statistics, and cast and crew information.
IMDb: Tortilla Soup
Plot summary, cast and crew, and reviews.
L.A. Times: 'Tortilla Soup' Adjusts a Re
Kevin Thomas' review: "As tasty and nourishing as one of Martin's finest meals."
Movie Review Query Engine: Tortilla Soup
Links to more than 30 reviews of the film.
New York Post: 'Tortilla Soup' Ladles Ou
Lou Lumenick's review: "Presents food so sumptuously, you're likely to leave the theater hungry." Three stars.