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About.com: Training Day
Ivana Redwine's review of the DVD.
All-Reviews: Training Day
Various reviews of the film.
GoMovieTrailers.com: Training Day
Movie trailers, pictures, synopsis, and review.
HARO Online: Training Day
Movie review and pictures.
Hollywood.com: Training Day
Synopsis, cast and crew information, multimedia, and news.
La Plume Noire: Training Day
Movie review by Fred Thom.
Movies for Guys: Training Day
Movie review from the male perspective.
Popkorn Junkie: Training Day
Main review looking at Denzel Washington's performance, plus other opinions and ratings.
Rotten Tomatoes: Training Day
Links to movie reviews, synopsis, cast information, and multimedia.
The Celebrity Cafe: Training Day
Plot description by Jenni Mennella.
TheWorldJournal.com: Training Day
Giancarlo de Lisi's review: "A well-made film that tells a tale with a surprising amount of intensity, tension and with an interestingly graphic resolution." 3.5 out of 4 stars.
Training Day
Official site. Synopsis, locations, cast biographies, video clips, interviews and cinematographer's journal.