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All-Reviews.com: The Transporter
Multiple movie reviews.
Baltimore City Paper - The Transporter
Ian Grey analyzes the action movie directed by Corey Yuen.
Chicago Sun-Times: The Transporter
Roger Ebert's review.
Columbus Wired - The Transporter
Stephanie Morgan reviews the movie and its inspired action sequences.
HARO Online: The Transporter
Review and pictures.
IMDb: The Transporter (2002)
Plot summary, trailer, cast and crew information, and user comments.
Lansing State Journal - The Transporter
Online film review by Roger Moore discussing the wild ride Slam-bang action flick.
Montreal Mirror - The Transporter
Rupert Bottenberg discusses the movie produced by French filmmaker Luc Besson.
Movies for Guys: The Transporter
Review from the male perspective.
MovieWeb: The Transporter
Plot description, production information, credits, and pictures.
Rotten Tomatoes: The Transporter
Links to reviews, multimedia, synopsis, cast information, and forum.
Salon.com - The Transporter
Andrew O'Hehir reviews the action movie by Luc Besson.