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All-Reviews.com: Tuck Everlasting
Four film critics offer mixed reviews of the movie.
Falling for a Children's Tale of an Age-Old W
Review from The New York Times says older viewers will want to watch this film in addition to the expected younger audience. [Free registration required.]
IMDb: Tuck Everlasting (2002)
Features complete cast and crew listings, reviews, and a trailer for the movie.
Popkorn Junkie: Tuck Everlasting
Reviewer Patsy Dougherty calls the film a "beautiful, old fashioned, fairytale."
Rottentomatoes.com - Tuck Everlasting (2002)
Movie reviews from critics and audiences. Also includes movie info, trailer, poster, photos, news, articles, and forum.
The Hollywood Reporter: Tuck Everlasting
Film review says movie is aimed at the wrong audience.
Tuck Everlasting - Official Site
Walt Disney Pictures' film is based on the book of the same title by Natalie Babbitt. Site offers trailers, photo galleries, actor biographies, and a study guide for the book.
Yahoo! News: Disney's 'Tuck Everlasting&
Film review by Daily Variety says Walt Disney would have enjoyed the film.