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About.com - Underworld
Contains photographs and an interview with Kate Beckinsale about her role in the film.
All-Reviews.com - Underworld
Reviews of the movie.
CIN3MA: Underworld
Review of the film with rating, cast information, and pictures.
DreamLogic: Underworld
Review by Chris Nelson.
HARO Online: Underworld
Haro reviews the movie.
IMDb - Underworld
Features cast and crew details, photographs, plot summary, and links.
Rpg Dreamers: Underworld
Review, cast information, screenshots, and wallpapers.
Sony Pictures - Underworld
Official site featuring movie trailer, wallpapers, screen savers, character details, and plot summary.
The Underworld Forum
A message board for fans to get to know each other and discuss the movie.
Underworld: Vampire & Lycan
A play-by-email simulation based on the movie.
World of Movies: Underworld
Includes plot summary and photographs.