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Four Bastards: Vegas Vacation
Fan site-style capsule reviews.
IMDb: Vegas Vacation (1997)
Plot summary, user reviews, and cast list.
Kids in Mind: Vegas Vacation
Parents' review of the movie with kids in mind.
Movie-List: Vegas Vacation
Link to the movie trailer.
MovieWeb: Vegas Vacation
Plot description, production information, cast list, and pictures.
MRQE: Vegas Vacation (1997)
Links to more than 30 reviews of the movie.
Nitpickers Site: National Lampoon's Vegas Vac
Index of nitpicks on the movie National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation.
Self-Made Critic: Vegas Vacation
Review of the movie: "It's idiot humor at its best without trying to gross you out or anything." Rated 3.
Vegas Vacation: Official site
Cast pages, production, crew, story and location information, photographs, and video clips.