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All-Reviews.com: Vertical Limit
Two movie reviews.
Allwatchers Review: Vertical Limit
Analytical review of the film's plot, characters, setting, theme, and structure.
Apollo Movie Guide: Vertical Limit
Review by Brian Webster, cast information, links and readers' ratings.
AwesomeStories.com: Vertical Limit
The story behind the movie.
Chicago Sun-Times: Vertical Limit
Roger Ebert's review.
Fan site: Vertical Limit
Cast information, interviews, production notes, mountain climbing information, multimedia, trivia, and links.
HARO Online: Vertical Limit
Movie review and pictures.
IMDb: Vertical Limit
Cast and crew information and links.
Metacritic.com: Vertical Limit
Links to movie reviews.
Movie-List: Vertical Limit
Link to the movie trailer.
Movies for Guys: Vertical Limit
Movie review and rating.
MovieWeb: Vertical Limit
Plot description, production information, cast list, and pictures.
MRQE: Vertical Limit (2000)
Links to more than 150 reviews of the movie.
PopMatters: Vertical Limit
Movie review and picture.
Rotten Tomatoes: Vertical Limit (2000)
Links to reviews, trailers, photos, and synopsis.
Vertical Limit: Official site
Production notes, cast and crew information, and still photos from the movie production.
Yahoo Movies: Vertical Limit
Cast and plot information, release dates, and Greg's preview commentary on what the movie might be like.