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A Story with Great Potential Ruined by Bad Executi
Photos and a review by Luc-Rock Paquin. [MovieCritic.ca]
All-Reviews.com: Windtalkers
Reviews of the movie by various contributors.
Charlotte Observer - Windtalkers
Lawrence Toppman discusses the movie about a pair of Navajo men in WWII.
Chicago Sun-Times - Windtalkers
Roger Ebert presents a film directed by John Woo.
Christian Science Monitor - 'Wind' Is An
David Sterritt reviews 'Windtalkers,' claiming that what might have been a stirring history lesson becomes, a string of war-film cliches.
Click2Flicks: Windtalkers
Information on the "code talkers" depicted in the movie, with links to photographs, maps and the official Marine Corps history of the Saipan battle.
EatOutGoOut.com - Windtalkers
Story background, pictures.
EW.com: Windtalkers
Review of the film by Lisa Schwarzbaum. Includes user comments, photographs, and trailer.
Filmtracks: Windtalkers
Soundtrack review, audio clips, and ratings.
HARO Online
Haro reviews the movie.
IMDb.com - Windtalkers
Plot outline, cast credits and reader comments.
Los Angeles Weekly - Dog of War
Ella Taylor reviews John Woo's Windtalkers.
MGM.com - Windtalkers
Official movie site includes photo gallery, message board, screen saver download, interactive code decoder.
Miami Herald - Windtalkers
Rene Rodriguez critizizes the movie about Navajo soldiers recruited in World War II to develop a code, based on their sing-song language.
Movies for Guys: Windtalkers
Review of the film and ratings of its appeal to male audiences.
New York Post - Windtalkers
Lou Lumenick reviews the movie about Navajo code talkers during World War II.
New York Times - Windtalkers
Elvis Mitchell writes about the movie, duty, friendship and a Navajo dilemma.
Philadelphia Inquirer - Windtalkers
Carrie Rickey reviews the movie about a secret code amid clear and present carnage.
Popkorn Junkie: Windtalkers
Reviews of the film.
ReelViews - Windtalkers
A Film Review by James Berardinelli.
Rotten Tomatoes - Windtalkers
Links to reviews and related articles, photos, trailer, and forum.
Salon.com - Windtalkers
Stephanie Zacharek discusses John Woo's ultraviolent paean to the Navajo "code talkers" who fought with the Marines in World War II.
San Francisco Chronicle - Windtalkers
Mick LaSalle reviews the war drama directed by John Woo.
The Austin Chronicle - Windtalkers
Marc Savlov reviews the war drame directed by John Woo.
USAToday - 'Windtalkers' Intersperses Ac
Mike Clark reviews how the main character battles mental demons again in John Woo's long-delayed movie.
Variety.com - Windtalkers
Robert Koehler describes the movie as a powerful premise turned into a stubbornly flat, derivative war movie.
Washington Post - Windtalkers
Desson Howe reviews the movie and states that it doesn't speak softly enough.