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CIN3MA - Moving Pictures - X-2: X-Men United
Features a review with thumbnailed pictures.
Cinema Savvy: X-Men 2
Summary, review, box office information, and soundtrack listing.
EW.com: X-Men 2
Articles, reviews, and news.
Filmtracks: X2: X-Men United
A review of the film's soundtrack in which the author states the soundtrack is good "if you prefer your super-hero scores to be dynamically orchestral with strong choral and thematic integrity."
IMDb - X-Men 2
Features cast and crew details from the Internet Movie Database.
KillerMovies.com - X-Men 2
Synopsis along with news and rumors.
PopPolitics.com: Don't Fear the Sequel
Review of the movie by Cynthia Fuchs.
Rotten Tomatoes: X-Men 2
The movie guide collects news articles and reviews on the superhero sequel. Also includes a plot synopsis and a public forum.
Rpg Dreamers: X-Men United
DVD review, screenshots, cast profiles, and media downloads.
The Sci-Fi Movie Page: X-Men 2
Movie review and pictures.
Upcomingmovies.com: X-Men 2
Features preview news and speculation.
X-Men 2 (2002)
News and message boards.