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All Music Guide: Paula Abdul
Includes biography, discography, and reviews.
AskMen.com: Paula Abdul
Pictures, profile, commentary, and links.
Vast media collection including images, avatars, video, audio, biography, chart history, and news.
DaveMcNally.com: Paula Abdul
Lyrics, listed by album.
Foxes on Idol: Paula Abdul
Articles concerning her position as a judge on the program "American Idol".
IMDb: Paula Abdul
Filmography, biography, photo gallery, and news articles.
Launch: Paula Abdul
Includes news, a biography, multimedia files, and reviews.
Paula Abdul Online
Large fan site includes news, photos, biography, discography, filmography, and video clips.
Paula Abdul Page
Fan site includes discography, lyrics, filmography, photos, appearance dates, message board, and audio samples.
Official site which includes current news and events. Information on the Innergy jewelry line and Skirtz clothing line.
Rollingstone.com: Paula Abdul
Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, links, and message board.
The Paula Online Company
Online fan base including images, audio, video, forum, and current events.
VH1: Paula Abdul
Reviews, audio, biography, discography, links, and a bulletin board.