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Beatles Song Index
Includes lyrics, discography, history, photos and a message board.
Come Together Over The Beatles
Lyrics of all the Beatles songs, with recording information and cover pictures. Also Lennon's solo lyrics and help to download.
The lyrics and tabs to five of The Beatles' songs.
Lyrically Squared: Beatles
Lyrics to over 200 Beatles songs and a forum for fans to chat.
Lyrics Download: Beatles
Lyrics to various versions of The Beatles' songs.
Lyrics Life: Beatles
Features over 240 lyrics in alphabetical order.
Lyrics-Songs: The Beatles
Collection of lyrics indexed by popularity and alphabetically.
Lyricsfreak.com: Beatles Lyrics
Browse lyrics alphabetically or by album.
Oldie Lyrics: The Beatles
Complete collection of all lyrics, organized by albums and song titles.
Rare Lyrics: Beatles
Large searchable collection of lyrics, sorted alphabetically.
Rmuza's Beatles Lyrics
Lyrics listed by Beatles albums and the four members as solo artists; as well as pictures.
Seeklyrics: The Beatles Lyrics
Sorted by albums or song title.
Steve's Beatles Page
Lyrics to every song indexed by album and songtitle with recording information including anomalies, photos of album covers, MIDI files, and other related topics.
The Arbay Archives: The Beatles
Lyrics to Beatles songs organized by album titles. MIDI karaoke provided.
The Beatles
Lyrics, discography, and album covers.
The Beatles Lyrics
A fan presents lyrics organized by albums, short biography, sounds and video clips.
The Beatles Lyrics
Lyrics listed along with original album covers.
The Beatles Studio: Lyrics
Compiles most of the Beatles songs on released studio records from the 1960s to 1990s.