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About Tracy Chapman
Biography, discography, lyrics, guitar tablatures, photos, videos, articles, concerts, memorabilia and links.
ArtistDirect: Tracy Chapman
Biography, discography, message board and links.
Elektra Records: Tracy Chapman
Label site with biography, discography, tour dates and message board.
George Graham
Review of 'New Beginning' by Tracy Chapman.
Guardian: A Militant Mellows
Interview by Gary Younge about the changes between her first album and "Let It Rain."
ProgressiveRockers.com: Tracy Chapman
Biography, news, and supported causes.
RollingStone.com: Tracy Chapman
Offers biography, discography, and photos.
Tracy Chapman - A Living Legend
Fan site devoted to the singer/songwriter.
Tracy Chapman Trade
Audio live concerts and TV performances to trade (CDR and cassette).
VH1: Tracy Chapman
Biography, news stories, message board and audio clips from all of Chapman's albums.
Wilson and Alroy's Record Reviews: Tracy Chap
Reviews of 'Debut Album', 'Crossroads', 'Matters of the Heart', 'New Beginning' and 'Telling Stories.'