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Articles and Interviews
Chicago Tribune: Giving Up The Ghosts, Don't Wait for Heroes - Print Media, Grand Illusions: An Exclusive Interview with Denni, Illinois Entertainer: Dennis DeYoung, Keyboard Magazine: Dennis DeYoung - Road Report, Live Daily: Styx's Dennis DeYoung Sets Orches, MelodicRock.com: Dennis DeYoung, Midwest Beat Magazine: Dennis DeYoung - The Heart , Songwriter Magazine: Writing the Hits for Styx, The Star Newspapers: Styx - The River Runs On?
Don't Wait for Heroes
Discography, lyrics, interviews, reviews, articles, and photographs.
The Official Dennis DeYoung Web
Tour information, album information, and news about the founder and former frontman for Styx.
Unofficial Dennis DeYoung Lyrics Archive
Features a discography, lyrics, and interpretations.
Yahoo Groups : Don't Let It End
Fan community e-mail list, message archive, chat, file-sharing, calendar, and polls. Restricted membership.
Yahoo Groups: Dennis DeTalk
Fan community e-mail list, message archive, chat, file-sharing, calendar, and polls.
Yahoo Groups: Dennis DeYoung
Fan community e-mail list, message archive, chat, file-sharing, calendar, and polls.