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BG Enigma
Contains history, discography, lyrics, reviews, downloads, a message board, and related links.
News, samples, videos, a chat room, message boards, and even a web radio station playing only Enigma.
Gam's Enigmatic World
Offers unique content in the form of exclusive remixes, along with online videos.
Into a Cretu's Land
News and information about the German producer Michael Cretu and his music.
Joar's Enigma Site
News, a discography, a picture gallery, reviews, and interviews.
Michael Cretu
Biography, lyrics, information, and wallpapers.
The Enigma Collectors Discography
A resource dedicated to collectors. Information, message board, and information on the rarity of various albums and singles.
The Enigma Zone
Contains lyrics, sayings, a discography, and a contest for original Enigma-inspired art.
The Unofficial Enigma Fan Site DK
Lyrics, discography, poll, wallpapers, news and similar bands.
Tim and Marisa's Enigma Page
Some links to reviews, especially for the fourth album, and a list of various places Enigma's music has been spotted.
Virgin UK's Enigma Site
An official Virgin Music site. See the latest information and video, or send an e-card.
Voice of Enigma
A fanzine with articles, interviews, reviews, a video analysis, news, and images.