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Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Years
Feature on Aretha's time with the soul label, with listings of singles and albums.
Aretha Franklin News: Topix.net
News about Aretha Franklin continually updated from around the net.
Arista Records: Aretha Franklin
The Queen of Soul from her current record company. Biography, photo gallery, audio/video clips and tour dates.
FindMIDIs.com: Aretha Franklin
Several MIDI files.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Aretha Franklin
Inductee biography.
Rollingstone.com: Aretha Franklin
Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, links and message board.
Time 100: Aretha Franklin
From Time Magazine's list of the twenty most influential artists and entertainers of the 20th century. Feature includes a Time article from 1968.
VH1: Aretha Franklin
News, full biography, musical influences, audio clips, photos, music videos, and a bulletin board.