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Articles and Interviews
PJ Harvey and John Parish
All-Reviews.com - Stories from the City, Stories f, Is This Desire? - Pitchforkmedia.com, John Parish and PJ Harvey - Bristol, England, Metacritic, Music Monitor: Is This Desire?, NYRock.com: Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, Q Magazine: 4-Track Demos, Q Magazine: Dry, Q Magazine: Is This Desire?, Q Magazine: Rid of Me
Tribute Bands
50 Ft Queenie
A Place Called Home
Reports from PJ's tours including set lists, reviews, radio and TV appearances, and photographs.
All Music Guide: PJ Harvey
Includes biography, discography, and reviews.
AskMen.com: PJ Harvey
Pictures, biography, commentary and links.
EZBoard Message Board
A discussion forum including discussions on concert experiences, and general PJ information.
Guitar Tablature
Over 20 guitar tablature files for various PJ Harvey songs.
Island Records: PJ Harvey
Contains audio and video clips, biography, tour dates, promotional e-card, and photos [label]
Live on KCRW
A performance on KCRW radio in RealAudio.
Picture Gallery
A photo archive that includes images from a 1998 concert in Chicago, Illinois and images from magazine articles and album covers.
Includes news, audio and video, reviews and a discography.
RollingStone.com: PJ Harvey
Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, links and message board.
Sirens Rising
A comprehensive P J Harvey fan site.
This Mess
A fansite containing news, tour dates, photographs,lyrics, a discography, guitar tablature, reviews and interviews.
VH1.com: PJ Harvey
Includes album reviews, music news, audio downloads, a biography, a discography, links and a bulletin board.
A summary of her videos including short video clips and stills.