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(4422) Jarre
Information about a minor planet named in honor of the french composer Maurice Jarre and his composer/musician son Jean-Michel including a diagram of the object's orbit.
A Cd Discography
Fan site with a listing of his personal collection of the artist's works.
French tribute band playing the music of Jean-Michel Jarre and Air.
Hymn to Jarre
Fan photos from the Akropolis and Aero concerts.
Jarre Forever
Fan-assembled tribute album. Includes overview and audio samples.
Jarre Photobase
Large database of Jarre pictures, with an illustrated discography and news.
Jarre Uk
Uk based web magazine with details about Jean Michel Jarre music and concerts, and up-to-date news and informations.
Fan-made art in any shape or form, inspired directly or indirectly by Jean-Michel Jarre and his work.
JarreCon '98
Review of the fourth UK Jean Michel Jarre convention that took place in Birmingham on August 23rd 1998.
Tribute band playing the music of Jean Michel Jarre live in the UK.
Josh Catalfo's Jean-Michel Jarre collection
A different view on Jean Michel Jarre world. News, photos and compilation of web articles.
A fan site with a biography, discography, and personal collection information.
Very complete illustrated discography. Database contains also details about instruments used by Jean Michel Jarre on his albums.
Jean Michel Jarre Official Site.
Details about the Aero album, complete "Jarreography" and video interview [Flash, French/English]
JMJ Fan Database
Database of fans from all over the world. Logs of the irc channel #JMJ on ircnet. [English]
Millions of Stars
Website dedicated to the music of Jean Michel Jarre. It contains a detailed discography, information about all concerts, various photos and images. [English]
The Jarre Collection
Phil Jenkins presents his personal Jarre collection, covering everything from La Cage to AERO.