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Artist Direct: Mark Lanegan
Featuring a message board, biography, discography, reviews, downloads and links to related sites and artists.
musicOMH.com: Mark Lanegan
Exclusive preview the album, Field Songs.
One Whiskey
Fan site with articles, images, discography, upcoming projects, and fan reviews.
OTIS Productions
The makers of the House a Home video. Site includes video information, downloadable quicktime video, and stills.
RollingStone.com: Mark Lanegan
Includes a biography, discography, news articles, album reviews and a message board where fans can chat, exchange messages and vote on their favourite albums.
SubPop Flash Site
Flash site featuring artwork and background information on Mark's solo releases to date.
SubPop: Mark Lanegan
The official page at the website of his record company, SubPop. Information on album and single releases, tour schedule and links.
The Gutter Twins
News, reviews, discography and MP3 downloads for the new band featuring Mark Lanegan and Greg Dulli.