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All Music Guide: Toby Lightman
Includes biography, discography, and reviews.
Andpop.com: Toby Lightman Speaks...
Adam Gonshor asks Toby if she thinks she's the luckiest singer in the world.
Fresh Tracks Music: An Evening with Toby Lightman
Zach Davis talks to the singer about the start of her career.
IGN Insider: Toby Lightman's 11 Questions
Spence D. asks Lightman quirky questions like who her favorite super-hero is and what is her favorite late night snack.
Ihigh.com: One-on-One with Toby Lightman
Tiffiny Kaye Whitney interviews the singer about her high school days, influences and the creation of her debut album "Little Things."
MTV.com: Toby Lightman
Artist page has biography, photography flipbook, audio and video samples and music downloads.
Philadelphia Daily News: Toby's Turn
Jonathan Takiff speaks with the Cherry Hill, New Jersey native, her parents and record label execs about the breaking young star.
PopEntertainment.com: Toby Lightman - Devils and a
The soulful singer talks with Jay S. Jacobs of about her debut album "Little Things."
Teenmusic.com: Toby Lightman - Keeping the "L
Lynn Barker chats with Toby about growing up into a singer.
Toby Lightman
Official site for the singer includes biography, tour information, news, photography, diary, forum, links, multi-media and street team.
Unofficial fan community includes setlists, news, tour photographs, fan profiles, guitar tablature, interviews, music and video samples, visitor comments and links.
USA Today: Good vibe is no little thing
Elysa Gardner asks the singer about her inspiration, her vision, her most magcal moment and her wish list.
V-Teens.org: For Different Reasons - Toby Lightman
Lisa Lombardo talks with Lightman about getting into the music game.
Windy City Times: "Little Things" from a
Gregg Shapiro talks with Lightman about being a singer-songwriter in the current music scene.