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All Brazilian Music: Sergio Mendes
Biography of the artist and a long list of albums with sample audio clips.
Billboard Hot 100 Archive: Sergio Mendes and Brasi
List of greatest hits and their top positions in Billboard.
Brazil: "A Night in Brasil '99"
press release of this December 1999 concert.
Catharton Musicians: Sergio Mendes
A Sergio Mendes message board, discography and links.
Cover Art:? Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66: &quot
Track listing and photograph of the front and back cover of the album.
Kozmigroov: Sergio Mendes: "Primal Roots"
Review of an album of the group Brasil '66.
Rudy's Corner: Brasil66.com
Comprehensive illustrated discography and profile of Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66.
Sergio Mendes and Brazil '77 - Vintage '
A photo of the 8-track tape of Sergio Mendes's "Vintage 74" album.
Sergio Mendes: "Never Gonna Let You Go"
Lyrics and MIDI file of his most popular song, featuring vocalists Joe Pizzulo and Leza Miller and reaching number 4 on the U.S. charts.
Sergio Mendes: "Rainbow's End"
Song lyrics.
Sergio Mendes: "The Swinger From Rio"
Review of one of his earliest albums.
Slipcue: Sergio Mendes Discography
Profile and discography with some album reviews.
Space Age Pop Music: Sergio Mendes
Biography of Sergio Mendes and the history of his band, Brasil '66.
William Morris Agency: Sergio Mendes
An international talent agency provides his biography in PDF format.