english deutsch
Gilbert, Paul
Paul Gilbert, Paul Gilbert, Paul's Mind, Vinyl Girl's Paul Gilbert Fan Page
Kotzen, Richie
ArtistDirect: Richie Kotzen, Richie Kotzen
Sheehan, Billy
Billy Sheehan Online
Mr. Big
Official site. Includes band biography, discography, sound clips in MP3 and RealAudio formats, and photographs.
Mr. Big
Fan site. Includes biography, discography, photographs, news, and audio samples in RealAudio format.
Mr. Big Bug
Fan site with a news archive, a photograph gallery, and set lists.
RollingStone.com - Mr. Big
Biography, discography, reviews, trivia, links, and message board.
VH1.com: Mr. Big
News, links, music videos, audio samples, and a biography.