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BBC News: Ms Dynamite wins Mercury prize
Rising R&B star Ms Dynamite is speechless after beating the favourite The Streets to win the Mercury prize.
BBC: Ms Dynamite
Artist profile and review of her first album 'A Little Deeper'.
BMI: Ms. Dynamite
Girl.com: Ms Dynamite
Ms Dynamite : Official Site
Biography, news, lyrics, photos, diary and forum.
Ms. Dynamite
Fan site dedicated to the artist includes news, polls, photos, audio, biography, discography, lyrics, fan area, wallpaper, and a forum.
RollingStone: Ms. Dynamite
Biography and discography.
The Guardian: Dynamite's victory blasts Mercu
News item on Ms Dynamite winning the Mercury prize in 2002.
The Oberver: Ms Dynamite: Blast of fresh air
Interview after winning the Mercury prize.