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Alloy: Anna Nalick - It Girl
Rebecca Silverstein talks with the singer about her grandparents, her CD and looking like a dork in front of her brother's friends.
Anna Nalick
Artist's official website has news, biography, photographs, sound clips, message board and the artist's journal.
AvoidPeril.com: 8 Questions
Jessica Netishen interviews Nalick about influences, traveling and her favorite U2 albums.
Bella Online: Anna Nalick - The Singer, Her Story
The singer tells Sheila M. Goss about writing her debut, high school battles of the bands and reality shows she would watch starring her cat.
Canada.com: Anna Nalick - Wreck of the Day
Ron Berthel reviews the CD.
Get Ready to Rock: Wreck Of The Day
Peter Whalley reviews the Nalick's first CD.
PopEntertainment.com: Anna Nalick - Breathtaking
The young singer talks to Jay S. Jacobs about her debut album "Wreck of the Day," vaudeville, Rainbow Brite and her coffee addiction.
Top 40 Charts: Anna Nalick re-visits hometown with
Brief article about the singer's music being used on the TV series.
USATODAY.com: 'Breathe' a bit of fresh a
Anna tells Elysa Gardner about singing for her cat, her early Rush cover band and the healing power of fans.
VH1.com: Anna Nalick
Artist information on Anna Nalick, including news, biography, message boards and song clips.