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Fan Pages
Bram's Rage Page, CJ's Rage Page, Evil Empire 2000, Insane Rage, Jeffrey's Rage Against The Machine Page, Juan's Rage Against the Machine Page, Justin's Rage Utopia, Killing In The Name Of...., Know Your Enemy, Mardy's Rage Against the Machine Page
Tribute Bands
Gov't Cheese, People of the Sun
Volunteer experts answer detailed one-on-one questions about Rage Against the Machine.
atPictures.com - Rage Against the Machine
A collection of live and promotional band photographs.
Jack Feeny Reviews: Rage Against the Machine
Detailed album reviews.
Metacritic: Renegades
Links to critic and user reviews of Renegades, released December, 2000.
MTV: Rage Against The Machine
Music video clips, album reviews, exclusive online interviews and live performances.
Rage Against The Machine
Official site includes news, timeline, images, lyrics, sound files, and the Freedom Fighter of the Month.
Rage Against The Machine
Official site at Epic Records with news, interviews, audio samples and video.
Rockmagic.net: Rage Against the Machine
Song lyrics, indexed by album and alphabetically.
RollingStone.com: Rage Against the Machine
Biography, photo gallery, news, discography, album reviews, audio/video, and message boards.
Static Fiends: Rage Against the Machine Lyrics
Provides album lyrics.
VH1: Rage Against the Machine
Album reviews, news, audio downloads, biography, discography, links, and bulletin board.