english deutsch
Collection of live and rare MP3 and video files from Throwing Muses/Kristin Hersh, as well as related artists Belly and Tanya Donelly.
Counting Backwards
Comprehensive list of lyrics, guitar tablature, album covers, photos, and video content related to Throwing Muses and leader Kristin Hersh.
Eyesore: Throwing Muses
Discography with cover images.
Matt's Secret Kristin Hersh Room
A collection of rare photos and album artwork.
Rollingstone.com: Throwing Muses
Includes biography, discography, articles, and message board.
Throwing Muses Index Page
Pictures, audio, lyrics, and articles, as well as an extensive collection of live music for trading
Throwing Muses Official Site
MP3 information, discography, message boards. Subscribe to receive unreleased Kristin Hersh songs each month.