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BackPorchReviews.com: Tiffany - The Color of Silen
Review of the album.
Fan site's attempt to centralize all Tiffany related resources.
Fanpage with links, stories, photos, samples, sheet music.
News, biography, pictures and links.
Tiffany - the official site
Features news, pictures, appearance dates, audio and video files.
Tiffany at the Tiff-Deb BBS
Short biography and Tiffany quotes.
Tiffany Darwish Online Community
Forum, music and video files and reviews.
Tiffany Revival
Dedicated to reviving the 1980s pop star's fame.
Tiffany Smiles
Current information regarding the singer; features news, tour dates, and a screen saver.
All about Tiffany, the vocalist who had pop success in the late '80s, and is now making a comeback. An unofficial fan site.
VH1.com: Tiffany
Includes album reviews, music news, audio downloads, biography, discography, links, and a bulletin board.