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Almost Cool: The Wiseguys - The Antidote
Aaron Coleman's review: "a great end-of-the-summer blowout disc, almost arriving too close to the cold for comfort".
CanEHdian.com: The Wiseguys - The Antidote
Dave Brosha's review: "rings like an air-conditioned lobby on the most sweltering of summer days".
Ideal Records: The Wiseguys
Official label site offers a biography, news, press clips and tour dates.
IndieMonkey: The Wiseguys - The Antidote
Review: "the album's real strength lies in the simple dance tracks that appeal to a large sweaty crowd venue".
MTV.com: The Wiseguys - The Antidote
Alexandra Flood's review: "refreshingly straightforward; chock full of mammoth beats".
Pitchfork: The Wiseguys - The Antidote
Michael Sandlin's review: "culls its ingredients from so many varied sources, it's nothing short of astonishing".