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Antonio de Cabezón
Biography, innovations and major works, and links to related topics from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.
Antonio de Cabezón
Karadar dictionary entry with life, works, and "Diferencias sobre el Canto del Cavallero" in MIDI audio.
Antonio de Cabezón
Biography noting near-total dedication to keyboard works, blindness, and influences with audio samples from Spanish Early Music MIDI Files at Carolina Classical. [English, Catalan, and Spanish.]
Antonio de Cabezón
Biography noting position in Spanish court and European travels with summary of works from database of organ composers at the BYU School of Music.
Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566)
Brief biographical sketch, comments about keyboard music, and Naxos discography.
Cabezón: Obras de Música
Review of harpsichord CD with biographical details and other suggested recordings from the Medieval Music and Arts Foundation.
Classical Music Archives: Cabezon
Music files offered in MIDI format.