english deutsch
Raynor, John
(1909-1970), England. Biography and music, from the Classical Composers Database.
Read, Ezra
(1862-1922), Willenhall, Staffordshire, England. Biography, compositions, and sheet music covers.
Regamey, Constantin
(1907-1982) List of two orchestral works from Chester Novello.
Reiner, Karel
(1910-1979) Biography, CDs, and sheet music, from the Czech Classical Music Dictionary.
Rico, Joseph
(1876-?) Composer of "slow waltzes. Biography, works, lyrics, and press reviews.
Ridout, Godfrey
(1918-1984), Toronto, Canada. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Riegger, Wallingford
(1885-1961), Albany Georgia. Includes biography and key works.
Roger-ducasse, Jean (1873 - 1954), France
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
Ropartz, Guy
(1864-1955) French composer. Picture, biography, and discography.
Rosenblatt, Yossele
(1882-1933) Sheet music and biography.