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Beckett - Music: Morton Feldman
Apmonia is the Web's site for Samuel Beckett, and this page details Morton Feldman's Beckett compositions. Biography, Compositions, and sound files.
Feldman Article by Kyle Gann
Painter Envy.
Morton Feldman
(1926-1987), New Youk City. Biography, list of works, discography, recordings online, performances, interviews, pictures, and bibliography.
Morton Feldman Lectures
Lectures, post-concert discussions, and introductory remarks, given 1972-1985 at the University of Buffalo.
morton feldman Texts
Essays and articles about Morton Feldman and his music.
New Albion: Morton Feldman
(1926-1987), New York City. Includes biography and discography.
Thomas Moore, pianist - Interviews
Interview with Morton Feldman.
University at Buffalo Libraries - Music - Morton F
The Music Library of the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York possesses a substantial amount of material related to the life and career of Morton Feldman.