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Catch that Catch Can
History of the publication and variants of the popular song series originally compiled in 1652 by John Hilton.
Hilton, John
Brief biography outlining his instrumental abilites and his contributions to sacred and English vocal and choral music from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.
John Hilton
Sequenced MIDI audio files of rounds from On Classical/Kunst der Fuge.
John Hilton
Biography from The New Penguin Dictionary of Music with link to CD purchases from Geoff Grainger.
John Hilton (2)
Biography, portrait, and internal references to related people and topics from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.
John Hilton: Ayres, or Fa La's for Three Voyc
Biographical and background material linked to book edited by John Morehen and published by A. R. Editions' Recent Researches in Music.