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Constant Lambert
Biography, photograph, music clip in MP3 format, partial works list and discography, and program notes from a performance of Concerto for Piano and Nine Instruments from Oxford University Press.
Constant Lambert
Partial works list by decade, photograph, brief biography, and links from the Classical Composers Database.
Constant Lambert
Biography from portaljuice.com with internal links to related subjects.
Constant Lambert
Find A Grave listing with portrait, photograph, biography including founding of what became the Royal Ballet and details of his death, and link to other famous burials in Brompton Cemetery, London.
Constant Lambert
Listing with the Lied and Art Song Texts Page includes English texts of his cycle Four Poems by Li-Po.
Constant Lambert
Filmography from the Internet Movie Database with links to related material, including son Kit.
Constant Lambert
Biography focusing on his friendship with Aleister Crowley includes two limericks from what Crowley called his "Constant Lambert Series." From Red Flame Thelemic Research Site.
Constant Lambert (1905-1951), Composer, Conductor
Brief biographical sketch and list of art works and photographs of him from the National Portrait Gallery.
Lambert, Leonard Constant
Biography from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio showing his anti-traditional leanings, balletic output, and work as music critic.