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Sequenza21: Musgrave
Biographical and musicological article written in anticipation of Musgrave's 75th birthday and other articles from the contemporary classical weekly.
Thea Musgrave
Biography, notes, reviews, article, details of compositions.
Thea Musgrave
Information on her life and work with internal and external links to related material from about.com.
Thea Musgrave (1928 - ) by Francis Routh
Reprint of material from Contemporary British Music details compositional growth in idiom, style, and structure. Includes links.
Thea Musgrave at ChesterNovello.com
Music publisher offers biography, photograph, works list, discography, performances, and purchase and hiring information.
Thea Musgrave: Harriet, the Woman Called Moses
Opera America's Encore Magazine article with composer, librettist, description, premiere, publisher, length, musical forces, musical style, synopsis, original cast, other operas and selected reviews, recordings, and performance history.
Thea Musgrave: Simón Bolívar
Opera America's Encore Magazine article with composer, librettist, description, premiere, publisher, length, musical forces, musical style, synopsis, original cast, other operas and selected reviews, recordings, and performance history.