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Classical Music Archives: Biography of Rameau
Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 30 files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
Jean Philippe Rameau
Biography at the New York City Opera Learning Center emphasizing his operatic style and works.
Jean Phillipe Rameau (1683-1764)
Message board and live chat about the life and works.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Article covering his work in Paris, operas, treatise on harmony.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Biography with explanation of terms and related composers from the Classical Music Pages.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Classical Composers Database entry with major compositions and brief biography.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Biography and illustration with works list from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program. Includes links to partial discography, composers of the court of Louis XIV, and explanations of ballet and opera.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Filmography at IMDb lists various movies and television broadcasts based upon or otherwise using his compositions.
Jean-Philippe Rameau
Links, recommended recordings and books, new and forthcoming recordings, music editions and pictures from NewOlde.com.
Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
Brief biographical sketch, caricature, comments on keyboard and chamber music, and selecte Naxos discography.
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Epitome of French music 1683
Analysis of his style and the aesthetic wars in Parisian opera between the French and Italian styles.
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Le Site
A site dedicated to his works and life, providing librettos, bibliography, discography, and information about new issues, editions, and performances. French and English.
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Catholic Encyclopedia article with life, summaries of religious and secular works, and commentary on his advances in music theory and composition.