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Kunst der Fuge: Fugal Compositions of the 16th Cen
Inclusive list of fugues written in the 1500's, comprising all the relevant repertory up to date and links to classical musician pages.
Medieval, Renaissance, and Traditional Music
Collection of MIDI audio files freely downloadable from Kunst der Fuge. Sorted by nationality and author.
Music History 102: The Renaissance
Composers, major styles and developments, illustrations, and Real Audio RAM sound files from the Internet Public Library.
Renaissance Composers
Wikipedia directory listing over 125 individuals with articles in the online encyclopedia.
Renaissance Era (1450 - 1600)
Overview of the time period with links to composer pages and an historical perspective. Includes rise of polyphony and the madrigal. From The Conservatory at Humanities Web.
Renaissance: 1450-1600
Introduction to the period from Essentials of Music linked to details on historical themes, musical context, style, and composer biographies.
The Early Renaissance (1350-1500)
Summary of the period linked to biographies of composers from the period from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.
The High Renaissance (16th Century)
Summary of the period linked to biographies of composers from the era and related period material from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.