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Ainola: Sibelius at Home
Article on his house and his domestic life. Includes separate article on his songs for solo voice and additional links.
Ainola: The Home of Jean Sibelius
Presentation on the woodland house he moved to with his wife by Professor Irmeli Niemi.
Classic Cat: Sibelius
Directory of mp3s on the internet that have been made available by their performing artists.
Classical Music Archives: Sibelius
Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 10 complete files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
Famous Classical Composers: Jean Sibelius
Provides background on his early years, his learning Finnish, and his schooling. Includes adult and childhood pictures and links to other composers.
Famous Finns: Jean Sibelius
Short biography emphasizing major works.
Jean Sibelius
Annotated directory of articles, pictures, and RealAudio samples.
Jean Sibelius
Classical Music Pages essay from The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. Also detailed information about his symphonies with sound clips in WAV and MP3 format.
Jean Sibelius 1865-1957
An extensively illustrated account of the composer's life divided into chapters on individual pages from the Sibelius Museum.
Kunst der Fuge ; Jean Sibelius
MIDI files (freely downloadable) of Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 43, "Incidental music to Kuolema," and "Valse Triste."
Includes MIDI samples from the works and an interview with the composer.
Reflections on the composer's life and work, including the stark contrasts in his music, by conductor Leopold Stokowski. Main focus on Symphony No. 2.
Sibelius, Jean (1865 - 1957)
Brief biography and caricature with summaries of stage works and orchestral and chamber music with recommended Naxos recordings.
Sibelius, Jean (1865 - 1957), Finland
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
Sibelius: Finland's Voice in the World
Biography topics include Finnish inspiration, patriotism as art, setbacks, greatness from a bleak setting, growing isolation, Anglo-Saxon admiration. Also an interview in WAV and RAM audio formats.
The Jean Sibelius Web Pages
Celebrative biography, links, reviews, essays by Ormandy and Stokowski, and illustrations.
UK Sibelius Society
Musical biography and information about the Society.