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Arthur S. Sullivan, Cyber Hymnal: Arthur Seymour Sullivan, Sullivan, Sir Authur: Hymns
Arthur Sullivan
Listing at the Lied and Art Songs Text Page with list of works linked to lyrics.
Arthur Sullivan
New York City Opera's Learning Center provides a short biography focused especially on his operatic relationship with W. S. Gilbert and a photograph.
Arthur Sullivan
Brief biography with summary of operettas and Naxos discography.
Arthur Sullivan
Extensive filmography listing television and cinematic use of his works and filmed versions of various operettas.
Arthur Sullivan
Biography, links, and directory of free MP3 audio files from Classic Cat.
Arthur Sullivan
Find A Grave entry with birth and death, brief biography, portrait photograph, pictures of crypt, and interactive memorial.
Classical Music Archives: Sullivan
Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 30 complete files offered in MIDI formats.
Gilbert and Sullivan
Deals with all matters connected with the pair with special emphasis on the annual International Gilbert and Sullivan Festivals held in Buxton, England.
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
Devoted to the operas and other works of the librettist and the composer with information on each and both together plus books, pictures, glossaries, other composers and works, and links.
Gilbert and Sullivan Bio-Bibliography
Short list of books for the general public with brief reviews; includes links.
Opera A La Carte: Gilbert and Sullivan
Company headed by Richard Sheldon exclusively performing the duo's works. Includes schedule, productions, orchestra requirements, references, reviews, contacts, and related information.
Sir Arthur Sullivan
Official credits, biographical information, and related information from the Internet Broadway Database.
Sullivan, Arthur (1842 - 1900), United Kingdom
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and link to biographical essay from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Discography
Features a detailed listing of recordings and videos with reviews and ratings. Includes historical information, unpreserved works, and links.
The Works of Gilbert and Sullivan
An analysis of their works HMS Pinafore and Pirates of Penzance.