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Richard Wilson
Official site. Biography, photograph, embedded audio, works list linked to samples, score and CD purchases, discography, recent press, performances, and contact.
Richard Wilson
Biography, photograph, commentary, works list, discography, essay exploring him and his music by Bernard Jacobson, and review. From Peermusic Classical.
Richard Wilson
Listing with SAI Philanthropies Composers Bureau includes biography, further information, contacts, and links.
Richard Wilson
Faculty page for the Vassar College Department of Music includes biography, noted works, awards, positions held, contact, and music sample in WAV format.
Richard Wilson: Readying the "Unready"
Favorable review of his opera "Æthelred the Unready" noting his use of his own libretto, the futuristic setting, and the overall quality of the music. From New Music Connoisseur.