english deutsch
Band Tek
It wants to make school life better for band students and directors. It offers a package of free services, including free hosting, free web pages, free internet mailing lists, and an online fundraiser.
Education World
Sponsored by American Fidelity Educational Services, it lists many links to music educational sites.
K-12 Resources for Music Educators
It offers links for music educators and students of all areas and educational levels.
Music Education Online
Features musical resources and information on educational venues for children.
Music Education Resource Links
Include links to curriculum resources for the national content standards of the National Standards for Art Education. By Carla Piper.
Music Fun
It offers some links to music games and resources to learn online.
Music Hall
Provides links to music education sites, organized by topic, instrument, style and geographical area.
Music is and its Value in Education
"Hard data on the benefits of music in education and everyday life." By James Hubers.
Musical Mayhem!
It provides some links useful to music educators and students alike.
Free directory of music teachers, music schools and music lessons in the US.
School Band Links
Links to student concert bands, marching bands, jazz bands, orchestras and drill teams in the world.
Directory that includes musicians, history, instruments, lessons, and schools section.