english deutsch
Glass Armonica
Bakken Library and Museum: Glass Armonica, Benjamin Franklin and His Glass Armonica, Cecilia Gniewek Brauer, Dennis James Interview: Glass Armonica Project, G. Finkenbeiner Inc., Mayling Garcia, Thomas Block Glass Harmonica, William Wilde Zeitler for the Glass Armonica, Yatri
Brien Engel
Biography, recordings, and a curriculum guide for school performances by the glass harpist.
Glass Music
Musician Lynn Drye's information on history, the glass armonica, musical bowls, glass harp, glass xylophone, as well as her profile, performances, and recordings.
Glass Music
Profiles of Martin Hilmer and Beate Fürbache, their performance programs, historical development of glass music, and descriptions and photographs of musical glasses, the euphone, and the verrophone. [English/German/Japanese]
Glass Orchestra
Ensemble performing contemporary compositions with glass instruments. Includes biographies, photo gallery of their instruments, FAQ, audio sample, history of glass music, and composers and performers.
Peter Bennett
Concert glass harpist and street entertainer. Includes biography, performance schedule, sound clips, CD ordering, and a lesson plan for teachers.
Psyche Van Het Folk: Glass Instruments
Explanations, by Thomas Bloch, of the differences between the seraphim, glass harp, verillon, glass armonica, and glass harmonica.
The Chrysler Museum of Art: Grand Harmonicon
Photograph and history of the instrument developed and manufactured by Francis H. Smith in the early 1800s. Includes a score, resources, and brief discography.
The World of Glass Music
Profile of glass musician Clemens Hofinger, reviews, upcoming performances, and audio samples. Also includes history, photographs and descriptions of the armonica, glass harp, and verrophone. [English/German]