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Chuck Daniels provides information on do-it-yourself repairs and improvements. Also provides a repair and conversion service and sells accessories.
Blue Ridge Autoharps
Handcrafted from select spruce and hand-picked hardwoods, custom outfitted to the buyer's choice of woods and chord arrangements. Located in Christiansburg, Virginia, United States.
Glad Morning Autoharps
Built by Gordon Baker, custom and special. Standard styles include lap, upright and child's. Located in Amelia, Ohio, United States.
Jean's Autoharp Security Blankets
Custom sewn blankets for autoharp storage.
Lumbert Mountain Music
Handcrafted autoharps and quilts. Custom made chord bar sets, repairs, modifications, and conversions. Traverse City, Missouri, United States.
Mechanical Music Digest Archives - Autoharp Chord
An brief article entitled on autoharps by Mike Knudsen, appearing in issue 2002.08.17 of the MMD.
Mike Nelson's Home Page
An enginering designer with a hobby of designing and building. Building techniques for Northumbrian pipes, Scottish smallpipes and mandolins.
Orthey Autoharps
Handcrafted by Dr. George F. Orthey. Features, descriptions and prices. Newport, Pennsylvania, United States.
Pete Daigle
Builder of the d'Aigle Autoharp. Also sells Oscar Schmidt brand and accessories. Located in Washington, United States.
Some Hints on Buying an Autoharp
An article on buying, including a list of makers, with addresses and phone numbers.
Timbre Line Music
Randy Barnes and Mitch Pingel. Handcrafted TimbreHarps (autoharps) and hammered dulcimers. Features, custom orders, string and accessories. Located in Colorado, United States.