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Bands and Artists
Barolk Folk Music, Bonnie Carol, Christina Connell, Cliff Moses, Dan Landrum, Donna Germano, Esperance Productions, Geoff Smith, Hammered Dulcimer Music by Dennis Lee, Hunter, Brenda
Art of the Cimbalom: Alexander Fedoriouk, Cimbalom - Pavel Vsiansky, Cimbalom World Association (CWA), SBG Music - Cimbalom, Somsak Cimbaloms
Make your Own
Build a Conduit-Tubing Hammered Dulcimer, Charlie Alm's Hammered Dulcimer Book, Dulcimer Building Start to Finish, Dulcimer Kits, Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Making a Hammer Dulcimer, Guild of American Luthiers Plans, How to Build a Simple 12 Course Hammered Dulcimer
Celtic Crafts, David Brown Hammered Dulcimers, David's Dulcimers, Fred Woodley's Dulcimer Den, Grassroots - Hammered Dulcimers, Griffin Music Hammered Dulcimers, Hammer Dulcimer (Cimbala), Hammered Dulcimers, Hudson Hammered Dulcimers, James Jones - Musical Instruments
Japan Dulcimer Society, Nonsuch Dulcimer Club, Silver Strings Dulcimer Society, Southeastern Hammered Dulcimer Players
Arash Dejkam's Iran Pages, MusicalNirvana - Santoor, Pandit Shivkumar Sharma's Santoor, Santour, Santur (Santoor) - Indian Hammered Dulcimer, The Ethnic Musical Instrument Company, WebIndia123 - Santoor
Chris Peterson Hammered Dulcimer
Informational page discusses the set-up of the instrument and how it is played.
Cimbalom World Association
International site about the cimbalom, or hammered dulcimer, with links to players worldwide, news and photos of conferences, and opportunity to exchange information. Some site use free of charge, some aspects (submission of material) requires joining association.
Hammered Dulcimers and Other Acoustic Instruments
MIDI music, performers, workshops, festivals, mailing lists, and links.
The Official www Hammered Dulcimer Page
Wide range of information on hammered dulcimer, including tips on buying one; learning to play; classified ads; and links to teachers, sheet music, clubs, players, and groups.
The Kitchen Musician's Hammered Dulcimer Site
Instrument tips, history, CDs, articles, books, shopping, downloads, and links.