english deutsch
BillNet.org: The Ocarina
Includes history, notation, and sheet music.
Clay Ocarinas
Ocarinas in stoneware and earthenware by K. Dunster. Includes tuning and links.
Clayzeness Whistleworks: Ocarina Songbook
Includes fingering charts, articles, stories, and links.
Giorgio Pacchioni and His Ocarinas
Composer for ocarina ensembles and maker of traditional Budrio style ocarinas. Sound files, history, and pictures.
How to Make a Clay Whistle
Step-by-step instructions with diagrams and advice on tuning and decorating.
Janie Rezner
A finely tuned, sculpted instrument that can play three part harmony. Front 2 chambers play a full scale. Large photos, building description.
Mose Tapiero Ocarina Discography
Archive of early recordings, some sound files.
Ocarina Composer
Freeware easy-to-use ocarina tablature editing/sharing program.
Ocarina Construction Process
Step-by-step instructions with illustrations. Part of a visual arts project unit for middle school students.
Ocarina di Budrio
Ocarinas crafted by Fabio Menaglio. Includes history and museum, pictures, history, antiques, and online ordering. [English/Italian]
Ocarina from Ecuador
Includes images, care information, files of ocarina sounds, link to auction site where ocarinas are available to purchase.
Ocarina Song List
Links to songs that can be played on a five-hole ocarina, with a transposing guide.
Rawcliffe, Susan
Personal information, sound samples, and links.
Suimin's Ocarina Road
Ensemble by multi-track recording, list of the instruments sorted by the sound range, links to sound samples.
Terry Riley Vessel Flutes
English ocarina maker. Produces round, Zelda and multiphonic ocarinas and museum copies.
The Art of Making Ocarinas.
Ocarina making instructions and hints and links.
The Chuckerbutty Ocarina Quartet
Touring professional musicians from England. With sound clips.
The Goose
Professional ocarina group from Japan. Includes instrument information, MP3 audio clips and member profiles. [English and Japanese]
The Ocarina Room
Pictures, performance advice, fingering charts, history of the ocarina, and frequently asked questions.